Anichstraße 35
6020 Innsbruck
Fax: +43 512 504 23852
Email: stefan.kiechl@i-med.ac.at
Website: http://www.i-med.ac.at/neurologie
Research Branch (ÖSTAT Classification)
301402, 301404, 302019, 302031, 302038, 302043, 302052, 302073, 302074, 303007, 303040
Dementia, epilepsy, headache, multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology, neurobiology, neurointensive care medicine, neurovascular research, Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, sleep disorders, and stroke
Research Focus
The Clinical Department of Neurology has fifteen research groups and internationally recognised research priorities in the fields of stroke, Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology, neurocritical care and sleep medicine. The Neurobiology division focuses on animal modelling of neurodegeneration with an emphasis on multiple system atrophy.
General Facts
The Clinical Department of Neurology has a total of 114 in-patient beds, including a stroke unit (8 beds, 10 in 2024), a neurocritical care unit (10 fully ventilated beds, 6 post-immediate care beds, 10 in 2024), an epilepsy monitoring unit (4 beds) and a dedicated sleep laboratory (6 beds). It acts as a referral centre for the whole spectrum of neurological diseases, covering Tyrol and the neighbouring Austrian federal states. Furthermore, it receives referrals from all over Austria for specialist diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in its main fields of expertise. The large number of patients managed each year (close to 4,000 in-patient admissions and more than 42,000 out-patient contacts in 2022) provides an excellent basis for speciality training and clinically oriented teaching of students. Key collaborations in clinical routine work include joint programmes with the department of Neurosurgery (epilepsy surgery and deep brain stimulation for movement disorders), and with the departments of Neuroradiology, Vascular Surgery and Cardiology (stroke medicine). Being devoted exclusively to research, the core facility of Neuroimaging Research (CF-NIR) offers unique technical and logistical capabilities for basic and applied neurological research. Dedicated research infrastructures within our department include the Neurobiology division (animal modelling of neurodegeneration, stem cell research) and the neurological research laboratory (biomarker research and neuroimmunology).
The following research professorships have been established in the Clinical Department of Neurology: Neurobiology division (Univ.-Prof. Dr. GK. Wenning §98), Computational Neuroscience (Univ.-Prof. Dr. C. Scherfler), Experimental Neurology (Univ.-Prof. Dr. M. Reindl), Neurology with a focus on Movement Disorders (Univ.-Prof. Dr. K. Seppi), Neurology with a focus on Sleep Medicine (Univ.-Prof. in Dr. in B. Högl), Neurology with a focus on Stroke Medicine (Univ.-Prof. Dr. St. Kiechl) and Translational Neurodegeneration Research (Univ.-Prof. in Dr. in N. Stefanova).
Neurobiology Division
Leaders: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor K Wenning MSc, Univ.-Prof. in Dr. in Nadia Stefanova
Our research focuses on basic molecular mechanisms, biomarker discovery and new treatment options for neurodegenerative diseases with special emphasis on α-synucleinopathies including Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). We investigate the role of oligomeric α-synuclein to trigger disease-specific phenotypes, the effects of exogenous stress factors and epigenetic modulation in models of α-synucleinopathy, the involvement of glial cells in PD and MSA, and the neuroinflammatory mechanisms associated with α-synuclein pathology. Through preclinical screening and target validation for disease modification, we aim to provide rationale for clinical trials in PD and MSA.
Research Group Autonomic Unit
Leaders: Univ.-Prof. GK Wenning, Assist. Prof.in Dott.ssa mag.a Alessandra Fanciulli
The aim of the Autonomic Unit in the Neurobiology division encompasses the diagnostic processing, therapeutic management and research of patients with autonomic disorders, following a highly interdisciplinary approach that includes interactions with cardiology, gastroenterology, neuro-urology, psychiatry and neuroradiology (Figure 1).

The group is supported by grants from industry and competitive sources (US MSA coalition, Dr. Johannes & Hertha Tuba Foundation, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, FWF, FWF-DACH, parkinsonfonds.nl).
Research Group Cognitive Neurology
Leaders: Ass.-Prof. PD Dr. Atbin Djamshidian-Tehrani PhD, Univ.-Prof. in Mag.a Dr.in Margarete Delazer
The Cognitive Neurology research group assesses decision-making, motor and cognitive impulsivity and the cognitive biomarkers that predict conversion to manifest disease in patients with a variety of neurological diseases. Ongoing collaborations include interactions with the Movement Disorders, Neuropsychology, Computational Neuroscience and Sleep Medicine research groups at the Department of Neurology as well as with the Departments of Neuroradiology, Psychiatry and Nuclear Medicine at MUI.
Research Group Computational Neuroscience
Leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherfler
The group develops and explores mathematical models of structural and functional image analysis for potential translation into the clinical routine. Its main focus is on neurodegenerative Parkinsonian disorders and was recently extended to include neurodegenerative dementia, sleep disorders, brain tumours and intracranial bleeds (Figure 2).

The research group is supported by grants from competitive sources, industry and non-profit research collaborations (EU, TWF).
Research Group Epileptology
Leaders: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Luef, PD in Dr. in Iris Unterberger
The Epileptology research group focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and comorbidities of the epilepsies. Main topics cover the effectiveness of antiepileptic drug, neuropsychological consequences of seizures/epilepsy, status epilepticus, differential diagnosis and presurgical evaluation. We lead the national coordination of the European registry of anti-epileptic drugs during pregnancy (EURAP) (main office in Milan, Italy; Head: Tomson T, Karolinska-Institute, Stockholm, Sweden).
Research Group Experimental Neurology
Leader: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Reindl
The Experimental Neurology research group investigates the pathophysiology of neurological autoimmune diseases, with a specific focus on the characterisation of autoantibodies and autoreactive T-cells, in close collaboration with the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology research group (Figure 3).

Our research is supported by the FWF, FFG, other competitive funders and industry.
Research Group Headache
Leader: Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Brössner
The core competence of the Headache research group includes the development of novel human migraine models, neuroimaging to investigate the pathophysiology of migraine, and conducting clinical trials in the field of primary headache disorders. The Headache research group is supported by funding from industry and competitive sources (ÖAW, MUI Start).
Research Group Movement Disorders
Leaders: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Seppi, PD in Dr. in Sylvia Bösch MSc, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor K. Wenning MSc
The core competences of the Movement Disorders research group include clinical trial methodology and novel therapies, biomarker research, the development of clinical rating scales, and neuroimaging, with a particular focus on magnetic resonance imaging. The group is supported by grants from industry and competitive sources (Michael J. Fox Foundation, International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society, ÖPG, ÖGN, FWF, ÖNB, EU: FP8 and Horizon 2020, CHDI foundation, MSA Coalition, TWF, ERN-RND, and grants from ataxia foundations within EUROSCA or EFACTS). The national Centre for Rare Movement Disorders in Innsbruck (CRMDI, Lead: Sylvia Boesch) is a full member of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) and aims to tackle complex or rare diseases that require highly specialised, multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge and resources.
Research Group Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology
Leaders: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Deisenhammer MSc, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Reindl
The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Neuroimmunology research group works on biomarkers for inflammatory demyelinating diseases, focusing on diagnostic aspects using new applications of cerebrospinal fluid analyses, and on treatment monitoring by investigating anti-drug antibodies. Clinically, there is a strong focus on non-pharmacological interventions through physiotherapy, assessment of comorbidities and on long-term outcomes in elderly MS patients.
Research Group Neurocritical Care and Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System
Leaders: PD in Dr. in Bettina Pfausler, Assoz.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ronny Beer,
The group focuses on both clinical and translational research related to the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical as well as therapeutic aspects of life-threatening diseases of the CNS, PNS and neuromuscular system. The research group is among the leading centres in the fields of traumatic brain injury, haemorrhagic stroke, post-cardiac arrest encephalopathy, status epilepticus and (neuro-) infectious diseases. The group is supported by grants from industry and competitive sources (FWF, ÖNB, EU/CENTER-TBI, NIH/NINDS and NCS – Curing Coma Campaign, EAN/GCS-NeuroCOVID).
Research Group Neuromuscular Disorders
Leaders: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löscher, PDin Dr.in Julia Wanschitz
The core competence of the Neuromuscular Disorders research group includes morphological studies of muscle and skin innervation in inflammatory myopathies and small fibre neuropathies, clinical ALS and myasthenia gravis research and the investigation of genotype-phenotype correlations. A detailed monocentric study of peripheral nerve involvement in wildtype transthyretin amyloidosis is ongoing.
Research Group Neurooncology
Leaders: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Stockhammer, PD in Dr. in Martha Nowosielski PhD
Neurooncology is a multidisciplinary subspeciality in neuroscience dealing with primary and metastatic tumours to the nervous system as well as non-metastatic neurologic complications of systemic cancer. Our research focuses on the development of targeted treatments and immunotherapies for brain tumours with special emphasis on molecular imaging using novel magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography techniques.
Research Group Neuropsychology
Leaders: ao. Univ.-Prof. in Mag. a Dr. in Margarete Delazer, PD in Dr. in Laura Zamarian PhD
The Neuropsychology research group focuses on the cognitive and psychological consequences of brain damage in different neurological conditions. It also aims at elucidating the brain mechanisms that support cognition in the healthy aging population. Main research topics of the group include the investigation of number processing and decision-making behaviour, as well as rehabilitation and the development of training programs for the improvement of cognitive functions. The Neuropsychology research group is supported by funding from competitive sources (EVTZ / Austrian Science Fund FWF).
Research Group Sleep Medicine
Leader: Univ.-Prof. in Dr. in Birgit Högl, Dr.in Ambra Stefani PhD, Matteo Cesari, PHD
The Sleep Medicine research group has its main focus on neurological disorders of sleep and wakefulness, particularly on isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder and its prodromal phase, restless legs syndrome and narcolepsy as well as other central disorders of hypersomnolence and parasomnias. Our core competences are in Artificial Intelligence, developing novel (screening, diagnostic and prognostic) biomarkers, novel diagnostic methodology, and in improving understanding of pathophysiology. Our group is leading international guideline development and has a consolidated collaboration with international centres including Harvard University, Stanford University, McGill University, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona and the Technical University of Munich among many others. Prof. Högl is past President of the World Sleep Society, and Dr. Ambra Stefani has been awarded with a Max-Kade Research Fellowship. The group is supported by grants from competitive sources (ERAPERMED, FWF, TWF, Dr. Johannes and Herta Tuba Research Funds, MUI Start) and non-profit organisations (German RLS Patients’ Association).
Research Group Stroke
Leaders: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Kiechl, Assoz. Prof. Dr. Michael Knoflach
The research competences of the Stroke research group include acute stroke therapy, post-stroke disease management, stroke rehabilitation, cervical artery dissection, vascular biology and ageing, and atherosclerosis research including mechanisms of early vascular ageing in the young. Funding is provided by the FFG (COMET Centre and K-Project VASCage), FWF, Standortagentur Tyrol, Reformpool, BHF, MRC, NRC, Diabetes UK, Leducq and others. The group operates a number of epidemiological studies (EVA, EVA4YOU, STROKE-CARD, STROKE-CARD Registry, Bruneck Study and ARFY) and contributes significantly to large research consortia such as ERFC, GBD and NCD-RisC.
Research Group Translational Neurodegeneration Research
Leader: Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Nadia Stefanova PhD
The Translational Neurodegeneration research group aims to advance understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to neurodegeneration in MSA and Parkinson’s disease and to provide preclinical screening and target validation for disease modification in α-synucleinopathies. The group is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), EU, MSA Coalition, Michael J.Fox Foundation, Intramural MUI Funding and industry grants.
Selected Publications
Division of Neurobiology
Disease-Modifying Therapies for Multiple System Atrophy: Where Are We in 2022?
Sidoroff V, Bower P, Stefanova N, Fanciulli A, Stankovic I, Poewe W, Seppi K, Wenning GK, Krismer F. J PARKINSONS DIS. 2022;12(5):1369-1387. doi:10.3233/JPD-223183.
A multiplex pedigree with pathologically confirmed multiple system atrophy and Parkinson’s disease with dementia.
Fanciulli A, Leys F, Lehner F, Sidoroff V, Ruf VC, Raccagni C, Mahlknecht P, Kuipers DJS, van IJcken WFJ, Stockner H, Musacchio T, Volkmann J, Monoranu CM, Stankovic I, Breedveld G, Ferraro F, Fevga C, Windl O, Herms J, Kiechl S, Poewe W, Seppi K, Stefanova N, Scholz SW, Bonifati V, Wenning GK. BRAIN COMMUN. 2022 Jul 4;4(4):fcac175. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcac175.
Clinical Trial-Ready Patient Cohorts for Multiple System Atrophy: Coupling Biospecimen and iPSC Banking to Longitudinal Deep-Phenotyping.
Ndayisaba A, Pitaro AT, Willett AS, Jones KA, de Gusmao CM, Olsen AL, Kim J, Rissanen E, Woods JK, Srinivasan SR, Nagy A, Nagy A, Mesidor M, Cicero S, Patel V, Oakley DH, Tuncali I, Taglieri-Noble K, Clark EC, Paulson J, Krolewski RC, Ho GP, Hung AY, Wills AM, Hayes MT, Macmore JP, Warren L, Bower PG, Langer CB, Kellerman LR, Humphreys CW, Glanz BI, Dielubanza EJ, Frosch MP, Freeman RL, Gibbons CH, Stefanova N, Chitnis T, Weiner HL, Scherzer CR, Scholz SW, Vuzman D, Cox LM, Wenning G, Schmahmann JD, Gupta AS, Novak P, Young GS, Feany MB, Singhal T, Khurana V. CEREBELLUM. 2022 Oct 3:1–21. doi: 10.1007/s12311-022-01471-8.
ATH434 Reduces α-Synuclein-Related Neurodegeneration in a Murine Model of Multiple System Atrophy.
Heras-Garvin A, Refolo V, Schmidt C, Malfertheiner K, Wenning GK, Bradbury M, Stamler D, Stefanova N. MOV DISORD. 2021 Nov;36(11):2605-2614. doi: 10.1002/mds.28714.
Shared Genetics of Multiple System Atrophy and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Shadrin AA, Mucha S, Ellinghaus D, Makarious MB, Blauwendraat C, Sreelatha AAK, Heras-Garvin A, Ding J, Hammer M, Foubert-Samier A, Meissner WG, Rascol O, Pavy-Le Traon A, Frei O, O’Connell KS, Bahrami S, Schreiber S, Lieb W, Müller-Nurasyid M, Schminke U, Homuth G, Schmidt CO, Nöthen MM, Hoffmann P, Gieger C, Wenning G; European Multiple System Atrophy Study Group; Gibbs JR, Franke A, Hardy J, Stefanova N, Gasser T, Singleton A, Houlden H, Scholz SW, Andreassen OA, Sharma M. MOV DISORD. 2021 Feb;36(2):449-459. doi: 10.1002/mds.28338.
Research Group Autonomic Unit
The Movement Disorder Society Criteria for the Diagnosis of Multiple System Atrophy.
Wenning GK, Stankovic I, Vignatelli L, Fanciulli A, Calandra-Buonaura G, Seppi K, Palma JA, Meissner WG, Krismer F, Berg D, Cortelli P, Freeman R, Halliday G, Höglinger G, Lang A, Ling H, Litvan I, Low P, Miki Y, Panicker J, Pellecchia MT, Quinn N, Sakakibara R, Stamelou M, Tolosa E, Tsuji S, Warner T, Poewe W, Kaufmann H. MOV DISORD. 2022 Jun;37(6):1131-1148. doi: 10.1002/mds.29005.
Autonomic failure: a neglected presentation of Parkinson’s disease.
Fanciulli A, Wenning GK. LANCET NEUROL. 2021 Oct;20(10):781-782. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00292-1.
A multiplex pedigree with pathologically confirmed multiple system atrophy and Parkinson’s disease with dementia.
Fanciulli A, Leys F, Lehner F, Sidoroff V, Ruf VC, Raccagni C, Mahlknecht P, Kuipers DJS, van IJcken WFJ, Stockner H, Musacchio T, Volkmann J, Monoranu CM, Stankovic I, Breedveld G, Ferraro F, Fevga C, Windl O, Herms J, Kiechl S, Poewe W, Seppi K, Stefanova N, Scholz SW, Bonifati V, Wenning GK.
BRAIN COMMUN. 2022 Jul 4;4(4):fcac175. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcac175.
Clinical autonomic nervous system laboratories in Europe: A joint survey of the European Academy of Neurology and the European Federation of Autonomic Societies.
Habek M, Leys F, Krbot Skorić M, Reis Carneiro D, Calandra-Buonaura G, Camaradou J, Chiaro G, Cortelli P, Falup-Pecurariu C, Granata R, Guaraldi P, Helbok R, Hilz MJ, Iodice V, Jordan J, Kaal ECA, Kamondi A, Pavy Le Traon A, Rocha I, Sellner J, Senard JM, Terkelsen A, Wenning GK, Berger T, Thijs RD, Struhal W, Fanciulli A; Collaborators of the European Network of Clinical ANS laboratories.
EUR J NEUROL. 2022 Dec;29(12):3633-3646. doi: 10.1111/ene.15538.
Family History for Neurodegeneration in Multiple System Atrophy: Does it Indicate Susceptibility?
Leys F, Eschlböck S, Campese N, Mahlknecht P, Peball M, Goebel G, Sidoroff V, Granata R, Bonifati V, Zschocke J, Kiechl S, Poewe W, Seppi K, Wenning GK, Fanciulli A.
MOV DISORD. 2022 Nov;37(11):2310-2312. doi: 10.1002/mds.29202.
Research Group Cognitive Neurology
Cognitive dysfunction 1 year after COVID-19: evidence from eye tracking.
Carbone F, Zamarian L, Rass V, Bair S, Ritter M, Beer R, Mahlknecht P, Heim B, Limmert V, Peball M, Ellmerer P, Schiefecker AJ, Kofler M, Lindner A, Pfausler B, Putnina L, Kindl P, Löffler-Ragg J, Kiechl S, Seppi K, Djamshidian A, Helbok R. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2022 Nov;9(11):1826-1831. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51675.
Peball M, Seppi K, Krismer F, Knaus HG, Spielberger S, Heim B, Ellmerer P, Werkmann M, Poewe W, Djamshidian A. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2022 May 31;9(6):751-758. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.13471. eCollection 2022 Aug.
Handwriting in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Delazer M, Zamarian L, Djamshidian A.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;82(2):727-735. doi: 10.3233/JAD-210279.
Understanding of Numerical Information during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Zamarian L, Fürstenberg KM, Gamboz N, Delazer M. Brain Sci. 2021 Sep 17;11(9):1230. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11091230.
Research Group Computational Neuroscience
Revisiting brain iron deficiency in restless legs syndrome using magnetic resonance imaging.
Beliveau V, Stefani A, Birkl C, Kremser C, Gizewski ER, Högl B, Scherfler C. NEUROIMAGE CLIN 2022;34:103024. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103024. PMID: 35500370; PMCID: PMC9065426.
Trial of Deferiprone in Parkinson’s Disease.
Devos D, Labreuche J, Rascol O, Corvol JC, Duhamel A, Guyon Delannoy P, PoeweW, Compta Y, Pavese N, Růžička E, Dušek P, Post B, Bloem BR, Berg D, Maetzler W,Otto M, Habert MO, Lehericy S, Ferreira J, Dodel R, Tranchant C, Eusebio A,Thobois S, Marques AR, Meissner WG, Ory-Magne F, Walter U, de Bie RMA, Gago M,Vilas D, Kulisevsky J, Januario C, Coelho MVS, Behnke S, Worth P, Seppi K, OukT, Potey C, Leclercq C, Viard R, Kuchcinski G, Lopes R, Pruvo JP, Pigny P,Garçon G, Simonin O, Carpentier J, Rolland AS, Nyholm D, Scherfler C, Mangin JF, Chupin M, Bordet R, Dexter DT, Fradette C, Spino M, Tricta F, Ayton S, Bush AI, Devedjian JC, Duce JA, Cabantchik I, Defebvre L, Deplanque D, Moreau C; FAIRPARK-II Study Group. N ENGL J MED. 2022 Dec 1;387(22):2045-2055. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2209254. PMID: 36449420.
Automated segmentation of deep brain nuclei using convolutional neural networks and susceptibility weighted imaging.
Beliveau V, Nørgaard M, Birkl C, Seppi K, Scherfler C. HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2021 Oct 15;42(15):4809-4822. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25604. Epub 2021 Jul 29. PMID: 34322940; PMCID: PMC8449109.
Neurodegeneration in Hepatic and Neurologic Wilson’s Disease.
Viveiros A, Beliveau V, Panzer M, Schaefer B, Glodny B, Henninger B, Tilg H, Zoller H, Scherfler C. HEPATOLOGY. 2021 Aug;74(2):1117-1120. doi: 10.1002/hep.31681. Epub 2021 May 6. PMID: 33316133; PMCID: PMC8453945.
Automated Analysis of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Differential Diagnosis of Multiple System Atrophy from Parkinson’s Disease.
Krismer F, Beliveau V, Seppi K, Mueller C, Goebel G, Gizewski ER, Wenning GK, Poewe W, Scherfler C. MOV DISORD. 2021 Jan;36(1):241-245. doi: 10.1002/mds.28281. Epub 2020 Sep 16. PMID: 32935402; PMCID: PMC7891649.
Research Group Epileptology
Beuchat I, Rosenow F, Kellinghaus C, Trinka E, Unterberger I, Rüegg S, Sutter R, Tilz C, Uzelac Z, Rossetti AO, Strzelczyk A. NEUROLOGY. 2022 Oct 18;99(16):e1824-e1834. doi: 10.1212 /WNL.0000000000201099. Epub 2022 Aug 10. PMID: 35948449.
Emotional Recognition in Patients With Mesial Temporal Epilepsy Associated With Enlarged Amygdala.
Kuchukhidze G, Unterberger I, Schmid E, Zamarian L, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Gizewski E, Kronbichler M, Luef G, Jokeit H, Trinka E. FRONT NEUROL. 2022 Jan 21;12:803787. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.803787. eCollection 2021. Free PMC article. PMID: 35126298. PMCID: PMC8815259.
Epileptic aphasia – A critical appraisal.
Unterberger I, Trinka E, Ransmayr G, Scherfler C, Bauer G. EPILEPSY BEHAV. 2021 Aug;121(Pt A):108064. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108064. Epub 2021 May 27. Review. PMID: 34052636
Perampanel in brain tumor and SMART-syndrome related epilepsy – A single institutional experience.
Heugenhauser J, Iglseder S, Muigg A, Kerschbaumer J, Stockhammer G, Nowosielski M, Unterberger I. J NEUROL SCI. 2021 Apr 15;423:117386. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2021.117386. Epub 2021 Mar 5. PMID: 33706200.
The electrophysiological footprint of CACNA1A disorders.
Indelicato E, Unterberger I, Nachbauer W, Eigentler A, Amprosi M, Zeiner F, Haberlandt E, Kaml M, Gizewski E, Boesch S. J NEUROL. 2021 Jul;268(7):2493-2505. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10415-x. Epub 2021 Feb 5. PMID: 33544220 PMCID: PMC82127028.
Research Group Experimental Neurology
Diagnosis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: International MOGAD Panel proposed criteria. Banwell B, Bennett JL, Marignier R, Kim HJ, Brilot F, Flanagan EP, Ramanathan S, Waters P, Tenembaum S, Graves JS, Chitnis T, Brandt AU, Hemingway C, Neuteboom R, Pandit L, Reindl M, Saiz A, Sato DK, Rostasy K, Paul F, Pittock SJ, Fujihara K, Palace J. LANCET NEUROL. 2023 Mar;22(3):268-282. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(22)00431-8. Epub 2023 Jan 24. Review. PMID: 36706773.
More Efficient Complement Activation by Anti-Aquaporin-4 Compared With Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibodies
Lerch M, Schanda K, Lafon E, Würzner R, Mariotto S, Dinoto A, Wendel EM, Lechner C, Hegen H, Rostásy K, Berger T, Wilflingseder D, Höftberger R, Reindl M. NEUROL NEUROIMMUNOL NEUROINFLAMM. 2023 Jan;10(1). doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000200059. Print 2023 Jan. PMID: 36414427; PMCID: PMC9682624.
Increased peripheral inflammatory responses in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein associated disease and aquaporin-4 antibody positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
Bauer A, Rudzki D, Berek K, Dinoto A, Lechner C, Wendel EM, Hegen H, Deisenhammer F, Berger T, Höftberger R, Rostasy K, Mariotto S, Reindl M. FRONT IMMUNOL. 2022;13:1037812. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1037812. eCollection 2022. PMID: 36451827; PMCID: PMC9703059.
Pathogenic autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis – from a simple idea to a complex concept. Höftberger R, Lassmann H, Berger T, Reindl M. Nat Rev Neurol. 2022 Nov;18(11):681-688. doi: 10.1038/s41582-022-00700-2. Epub 2022 Aug 15. Review. PMID: 35970870.
Research Group Headache
A Controlled Trial of Erenumab for Episodic Migraine.
Goadsby PJ, Reuter U, Hallström Y, Broessner G, Bonner JH, Zhang F, Sapra S, Picard H, Mikol DD, Lenz RA.
N Engl J Med. 2017 Nov 30;377(22):2123-2132. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1705848.
PMID: 29171821 Clinical Trial.
CGRP-antibodies, topiramate and botulinum toxin type A in episodic and chronic migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Frank F, Ulmer H, Sidoroff V, Broessner G.
Cephalalgia. 2021 Oct;41(11-12):1222-1239. doi: 10.1177/03331024211018137. Epub 2021 Jun 15.
PMID: 34130525 Free PMC article.
Migraine and aura triggered by normobaric hypoxia.
Frank F, Faulhaber M, Messlinger K, Accinelli C, Peball M, Schiefecker A, Kaltseis K, Burtscher M, Broessner G.
Cephalalgia. 2020 Dec;40(14):1561-1573. doi: 10.1177/0333102420949202. Epub 2020 Aug 13.
PMID: 32791920 Free PMC article.
CGRP measurements in human plasma – a methodological study.
Messlinger K, Vogler B, Kuhn A, Sertel-Nakajima J, Frank F, Broessner G.
Cephalalgia. 2021 Nov;41(13):1359-1373. doi: 10.1177/03331024211024161. Epub 2021 Jul 16.
PMID: 34266288 Free PMC article.
Primary headache disorders in adolescents in North- and South-Tyrol: Findings of the EVA-Tyrol-Study.
Kaltseis K, Frank F, Bernar B, Kiechl S, Winder B, Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U, Knoflach M, Broessner G; Early Vascular Ageing (EVA) Tyrol Study Group. Cephalalgia. 2022 Sep;42(10):993-1004. doi: 10.1177/03331024221088997. Epub 2022 Mar 25. PMID: 35331020 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.
Research Group Movement Disorders
Trial of Deferiprone in Parkinson’s Disease.
Devos D, Labreuche J, Rascol O, Corvol JC, Duhamel A, Guyon Delannoy P, Poewe W, Compta Y, Pavese N, Růžička E, Dušek P, Post B, Bloem BR, Berg D, Maetzler W, Otto M, Habert MO, Lehericy S, Ferreira J, Dodel R, Tranchant C, Eusebio A, Thobois S, Marques AR, Meissner WG, Ory-Magne F, Walter U, de Bie RMA, Gago M, Vilas D, Kulisevsky J, Januario C, Coelho MVS, Behnke S, Worth P, Seppi K, Ouk T, Potey C, Leclercq C, Viard R, Kuchcinski G, Lopes R, Pruvo JP, Pigny P, Garçon G, Simonin O, Carpentier J, Rolland AS, Nyholm D, Scherfler C, Mangin JF, Chupin M, Bordet R, Dexter DT, Fradette C, Spino M, Tricta F, Ayton S, Bush AI, Devedjian JC, Duce JA, Cabantchik I, Defebvre L, Deplanque D, Moreau C; FAIRPARK-II Study Group. N Engl J Med. 2022 Dec 1;387(22):2045-2055. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2209254.
Multiple system atrophy.
Poewe W, Stankovic I, Halliday G, Meissner WG, Wenning GK, Pellecchia MT, Seppi K, Palma JA, Kaufmann H. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2022 Aug 25;8(1):56. doi: 10.1038/s41572-022-00382-6.
The Movement Disorder Society Criteria for the Diagnosis of Multiple System Atrophy.
Wenning GK, Stankovic I, Vignatelli L, Fanciulli A, Calandra-Buonaura G, Seppi K, Palma JA, Meissner WG, Krismer F, Berg D, Cortelli P, Freeman R, Halliday G, Höglinger G, Lang A, Ling H, Litvan I, Low P, Miki Y, Panicker J, Pellecchia MT, Quinn N, Sakakibara R, Stamelou M, Tolosa E, Tsuji S, Warner T, Poewe W, Kaufmann H. Mov Disord. 2022 Jun;37(6):1131-1148. doi: 10.1002/mds.29005. Epub 2022 Apr 21.
Progression characteristics of the European Friedreich’s Ataxia Consortium for Translational Studies (EFACTS): a 4-year cohort study.
Reetz K, Dogan I, Hilgers RD, Giunti P, Parkinson MH, Mariotti C, Nanetti L, Durr A, Ewenczyk C, Boesch S, Nachbauer W, Klopstock T, Stendel C, Rodríguez de Rivera Garrido FJ, Rummey C, Schöls L, Hayer SN, Klockgether T, Giordano I, Didszun C, Rai M, Pandolfo M, Schulz JB; EFACTS study group.
Lancet Neurol. 2021 May;20(5):362-372. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00027-2. Epub 2021 Mar 23.
Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease are Reduced by Nabilone.
Peball M, Krismer F, Knaus HG, Djamshidian A, Werkmann M, Carbone F, Ellmerer P, Heim B, Marini K, Valent D, Goebel G, Ulmer H, Stockner H, Wenning GK, Stolz R, Krejcy K, Poewe W, Seppi K; Collaborators of the Parkinson’s Disease Working Group Innsbruck. Ann Neurol. 2020 Oct;88(4):712-722. doi: 10.1002/ana.25864. Epub 2020 Aug 31.
Center for Rare Movement Disorders:
Efficacy of Omaveloxolone in Friedreich’s Ataxia: Delayed-Start Analysis of the MOXIe Extension.
Lynch DR, Chin MP, Boesch S, Delatycki MB, Giunti P, Goldsberry A, Hoyle JC, Mariotti C, Mathews KD, Nachbauer W, O’Grady M, Perlman S, Subramony SH, Wilmot G, Zesiewicz T, Meyer CJ.
Mov Disord. 2023 Feb;38(2):313-320. doi: 10.1002/mds.29286. Epub 2022 Nov 29. PMID: 36444905 Clinical Trial. Biallelic AOPEP Loss-of-Function Variants Cause Progressive Dystonia with Prominent Limb Involvement. Zech M, Kumar KR, Reining S, Reunert J, Tchan M, Riley LG, Drew AP, Adam RJ, Berutti R, Biskup S, Derive N, Bakhtiari S, Jin SC, Kruer MC, Bardakjian T, Gonzalez-Alegre P, Keller Sarmiento IJ, Mencacci NE, Lubbe SJ, Kurian MA, Clot F, Méneret A, de Sainte Agathe JM, Fung VSC, Vidailhet M, Baumann M, Marquardt T, Winkelmann J, Boesch S. Mov Disord. 2022 Jan;37(1):137-147. doi: 10.1002/mds.28804. Epub 2021 Oct 1. PMID: 34596301.
Harding IH, Chopra S, Arrigoni F, Boesch S, Brunetti A, Cocozza S, Corben LA, Deistung A, Delatycki M, Diciotti S, Dogan I, Evangelisti S, França MC Jr, Göricke SL, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Gramegna LL, Henry PG, Hernandez-Castillo CR, Hutter D, Jahanshad N, Joers JM, Lenglet C, Lodi R, Manners DN, Martinez ARM, Martinuzzi A, Marzi C, Mascalchi M, Nachbauer W, Pane C, Peruzzo D, Pisharady PK, Pontillo G, Reetz K, Rezende TJR, Romanzetti S, Saccà F, Scherfler C, Schulz JB, Stefani A, Testa C, Thomopoulos SI, Timmann D, Tirelli S, Tonon C, Vavla M, Egan GF, Thompson PM.
Ann Neurol. 2021 Oct;90(4):570-583. doi: 10.1002/ana.26200. Epub 2021 Sep 17. PMID: 34435700
Reetz K, Dogan I, Hilgers RD, Giunti P, Parkinson MH, Mariotti C, Nanetti L, Durr A, Ewenczyk C, Boesch S, Nachbauer W, Klopstock T, Stendel C, Rodríguez de Rivera Garrido FJ, Rummey C, Schöls L, Hayer SN, Klockgether T, Giordano I, Didszun C, Rai M, Pandolfo M, Schulz JB; EFACTS study group.
Lancet Neurol. 2021 May;20(5):362-372. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00027-2. Epub 2021 Mar 23. PMID: 33770527
The electrophysiological footprint of CACNA1A disorders.
Indelicato E, Unterberger I, Nachbauer W, Eigentler A, Amprosi M, Zeiner F, Haberlandt E, Kaml M, Gizewski E, Boesch S. J Neurol. 2021 Jul;268(7):2493-2505. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10415-x. Epub 2021 Feb 5. PMID: 33544220
Research Group Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology
Kappa Free Light Chain and Neurofilament Light independently predict early Multiple Sclerosis Disease Activity.
Hegen H, Berek K, Bsteh G, Auer M, Altmann P, Di Pauli F, Grams A, Milosavljevic D, Ponleitner M, Poskaite P, Schnabl C, Wurth S, Zinganell A, Berger T, Walde J, Deisenhammer F; EBioMedicine: 2023; Accepted.
Cerebrospinal fluid kappa free light chains for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: A consensus statement.
Hegen H, Arrambide G, Gnanapavan S, Kaplan B, Khalil M, Saadeh R, Teunissen C, Tumani H, Villar LM, Willrich MAV, Zetterberg H, Deisenhammer F; Mult Scler: 2023; Feb;29(2):182-195.
Diagnosis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: International MOGAD Panel proposed criteria.
Banwell B, Bennett JL, Marignier R, Kim HJ, Brilot F, Flanagan EP, Ramanathan S, Waters P, Tenembaum S, Graves JS, Chitnis T, Brandt AU, Hemingway C, Neuteboom R, Pandit L, Reindl M, Saiz A, Sato DK, Rostasy K, Paul F, Pittock SJ, Fujihara K, Palace J. Lancet Neurol: 2023; Mar;22(3):268-282
Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) and Natalizumab Serum Concentration as Potential Biomarkers for Pharmacodynamics and Treatment Response of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Receiving Natalizumab.
Auer M, Bauer A, Oftring A, Rudzki D, Hegen H, Bsteh G, Di Pauli F, Berek K, Zinganell A, Berger T, Reindl M, Deisenhammer F; CNS Drugs: 2022; Oct;36(10):1121-1131
Research Group Neurocritical Care and Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System
Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with acute brain injury in the intensive care unit (SYNAPSE-ICU): an international, prospective observational cohort study.
Robba C, Graziano F, Rebora P, Elli F, Giussani C, Oddo M, Meyfroidt G, Helbok R, Taccone FS, Prisco L, Vincent JL, Suarez JI, Stocchetti N, Citerio G; SYNAPSE-ICU Investigators; Lancet Neurol: 2021 Jul;20(7):548-558. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00138-1.
Neurological outcome and quality of life 3 months after COVID-19: A prospective observational cohort study.
Rass V, Beer R, Schiefecker AJ, Kofler M, Lindner A, Mahlknecht P, Heim B, Limmert V, Sahanic S, Pizzini A, Sonnweber T, Tancevski I, Scherfler C, Zamarian L, Bellmann-Weiler R, Weiss G, Djamshidian A, Kiechl S, Seppi K, Loeffler-Ragg J, Pfausler B, Helbok R; Eur J Neurol: 2021; Oct;28(10):3348-3359. doi: 10.1111/ene.14803.
Long-Term Clinical Trajectory of Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Linking Acute Care and Neurorehabilitation.
Lindner A, Brunelli L, Rass V, Ianosi BA, Gaasch M, Kofler M, Limmert V, Schiefecker AJ, Pfausler B, Beer R, Pucks-Faes E, Helbok R; Neurocrit Care: 2023 Feb;38(1):138-148. doi: 10.1007/s12028-022-01572-6.
The Curing Coma Campaign International Survey on Coma Epidemiology, Evaluation, and Therapy (COME TOGETHER).
Helbok R, Rass V, Beghi E, Bodien YG, Citerio G, Giacino JT, Kondziella D, Mayer SA, Menon D, Sharshar T, Stevens RD, Ulmer H, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Vespa P, McNett M, Frontera J; Curing Coma Campaign and its Contributing Members; Neurocrit Care: 2022 Aug;37(1):47-59. doi: 10.1007/s12028-021-01425-8.
Factors Associated With Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation in Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-The RAISE Score.
Rass V, Ianosi BA, Lindlbauer M, Lindner A, Kofler M, Schiefecker AJ, Pfausler B, Beer R, Helbok R;
Crit Care Med: 2022 Jan 1;50(1):103-113. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005189.
Research Group Neuromuscular Disorders
Clinico‐genetic spectrum of limb‐girdle muscular weakness in Austria: A multicentre cohort study. Krenn, M., Tomschik, M., Wagner, M., Zulehner, G., Weng, R., Rath, J., Klotz, S., Gelpi, E., Bsteh, G., Keritam, O., Colonna, I., Paternostro, C., Jäger, F., Lindeck‐Pozza, E., Iglseder, S., Grinzinger, S., Schönfelder, M., Hohenwarter, C., Freimüller, M., Embacher, N., Wanschitz, J., Topakian, R., Töpf, A., Straub, V., Quasthoff, S., Zimprich, F., Löscher, W. N. & Cetin, H. EUR J NEUROL (2022). doi:10.1111/ene.15306
Safety and Effectiveness of Long-term Intravenous Administration of Edaravone for Treatment of Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Witzel, S., Maier, A., Steinbach, R., Grosskreutz, J., Koch, J. C., Sarikidi, A., Petri, S., Günther, R., Wolf, J., Hermann, A., Prudlo, J., Cordts, I., Lingor, P., Löscher, W. N., Kohl, Z., Hagenacker, T., Ruckes, C., Koch, B., Spittel, S., Günther, K., Michels, S., Dorst, J., Meyer, T., Ludolph, A. C. & MND-NET. JAMA NEUROL 79, 121–130 (2022).
Myasthenic crisis following SARS-CoV-2 infection and delayed virus clearance in a patient treated with rituximab: clinical course and 6-month follow-up.
Wanschitz, J. V., Kaml, M., Pfausler, B., Helbok, R., Wildner, S., Widmann, G., Sahanic, S., Deisenhammer, F., Löscher, W. N., Reindl, M., Löffler-Ragg, J. & Beer, R. J NEUROL 268, 2700–2702 (2021).
Antibodies to the Caspr1/contactin-1 complex in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy.
Pascual-Goñi, E., Fehmi, J., Lleixà, C., Martín-Aguilar, L., Devaux, J., Höftberger, R., Delmont, E., Doppler, K., Sommer, C., Radunovic, A., Carvajal, A., Smyth, S., Williams, L., Mazanec, R., Potočková, V., Hinds, N., Cassereau, J., Viala, K., Lefilliatre, M., Nicolas, G., Foley, P., Leypoldt, F., Keddie, S., Lunn, M. P., Zimprich, F., Nunkoo, V. S., Löscher, W. N., Martínez-Martínez, L., Díaz-Manera, J., Rojas-Garcia, R., Illa, I., Rinaldi, S. & Querol, L. BRAIN 144, 1183–1196 (2021).
Skeletal Muscle Disorders: A Noncardiac Source of Cardiac Troponin T.
Du Fay de Lavallaz J, Prepoudis A, Wendebourg MJ, Kesenheimer E, Kyburz D, Daikeler T, Haaf P, Wanschitz J, Löscher WN, Schreiner B, Katan M, Jung HH, Maurer B, Hammerer-Lercher A, Mayr A, Gualandro DM, Acket A, Puelacher C, Boeddinghaus J, Nestelberger T, Lopez-Ayala P, Glarner N, Shrestha S, Manka R, Gawinecka J, Piscuoglio S, Gallon J, Wiedemann S, Sinnreich M, Mueller C; BASEL XII Investigators. CIRCULATION. 2022 Jun 14;145(24):1764-1779. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058489.
Research Group Neurooncology
MRI Response Assessment in Glioblastoma Patients Treated with Dendritic-Cell-Based Immunotherapy.
Heugenhauser J, Galijasevic M, Mangesius S, Goebel G, Buchroithner J, Erhart F, Pichler J, Widhalm G, Stockhammer G, Iglseder S, Freyschlag C, Oberndorfer S, Bordihn K, von Campe G, Czech T, Surboeck B, Purkart Urbanic T, Marosi C, Felzmann T, Nowosielski M; Cancers 2022; 14(6):1579. doi.org/10.3390/cancers14061579
Whole brain radiotherapy combined with intrathecal liposomal cytarabine for leptomeningeal metastasis-a safety analysis and validation of the EANO-ESMO classification.
Iglseder S, Nowosielski M, Bsteh G, Muigg A, Heugenhauser J, Mayer E, Grams A, Stockhammer G, Nevinny-Stickel M;
Strahlenther Onkol 2022; 198:475–483. doi.org/10.1007/s00066-022-01910-9
ADC textural features in patients with single brain metastases improve clinical risk models.
Nowosielski M, Goebel G, Iglseder S, Steiger R, Ritter L, Stampfl D, Heugenhauser J, Kerschbaumer J, Gizewski E, Freyschlag C, Stockhammer G, Scherfler C; Clin Exp Metastasis 2022; 39:459–466. doi.org/10.1007/s10585-022-10160-z.
Perampanel in brain tumor and SMART-syndrome related epilepsy – A single institutional experience.
Heugenhauser J, Iglseder S, Muigg A, Kerschbaumer J, Stockhammer G, Nowosielski M, Unterberger I;
J Neurol Sci. 2021 Apr 15; 423:117386. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2021.117386.
Research Group Neuropsychology
Decision making under risk in patients suffering from schizophrenia or depression.
Benke T, Marksteiner J, Ruepp B, Weiss EM, Zamarian L. Brain SciENCES: 2021; Sep 7;11(9):1178. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11091178.
Handwriting in Alzheimer‘s dementia.
Delazer M, Zamarian L, Djamshidian A. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: 2021; 82(2):727-735. doi: 10.3233/JAD-210279.
Differential impact of education on cognitive performance in neurological patients with progressive cognitive decline.
Zamarian L, Karner E, Bodner T, Djamshidian A, Delazer M. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: 2021; 80(4):1491-1501, doi: 10.3233/JAD-201608.
Occupation related effects on motor cortex thickness among older, cognitive healthy individuals.
Lenhart L, Nagele M, Steiger R, Skalla E, Zamarian L, Gizewski ER, Benke T, Delazer M, Scherfler C.
Brain Structure and Function: 2021; 226(4):1023-1030, doi: 10.1007/s00429-021-02223-w.
Decision making and framing effects in multiple sclerosis.
Zamarian L, Berger T, Pertl M-T, Bsteh G, Djamshidian A, Deisenhammer F, Delazer M. European Journal of Neurology: 2021; 28(4):1292-1298. doi: 10.1111/ene.14669.
Research Group Sleep Medicine
Video-polysomnography procedures for diagnosis of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and the identification of its prodromal stages: guidelines from the International RBD Study Group.
Cesari M, Heidbreder A, St Louis EK, Sixel-Döring F, Bliwise DL, Baldelli L, Bes F, Fantini ML, Iranzo A, Knudsen-Heier S, Mayer G, McCarter S, Nepozitek J, Pavlova M, Provini F, Santamaria J, Sunwoo JS, Videnovic A, Högl B, Jennum P, Christensen JAE, Stefani A. Sleep. 2022 Mar 14;45(3):zsab257. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab257.
Biomarkers of conversion to α-synucleinopathy in isolated rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder.
Miglis MG, Adler CH, Antelmi E, Arnaldi D, Baldelli L, Boeve BF, Cesari M, Dall’Antonia I, Diederich NJ, Doppler K, Dušek P, Ferri R, Gagnon JF, Gan-Or Z, Hermann W, Högl B, Hu MT, Iranzo A, Janzen A, Kuzkina A, Lee JY, Leenders KL, Lewis SJG, Liguori C, Liu J, Lo C, Ehgoetz Martens KA, Nepozitek J, Plazzi G, Provini F, Puligheddu M, Rolinski M, Rusz J, Stefani A, Summers RLS, Yoo D, Zitser J, Oertel WH. Lancet Neurol. 2021 Aug;20(8):671-684. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00176-9.
Alpha-synuclein seeds in olfactory mucosa of patients with isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder.
Stefani A, Iranzo A, Holzknecht E, Perra D, Bongianni M, Gaig C, Heim B, Serradell M, Sacchetto L, Garrido A, Capaldi S, Sánchez-Gómez A, Cecchini MP, Mariotto S, Ferrari S, Fiorini M, Schmutzhard J, Cocchiara P, Vilaseca I, Brozzetti L, Monaco S, Jose Marti M, Seppi K, Tolosa E, Santamaria J, Högl B, Poewe W, Zanusso G; SINBAR (Sleep Innsbruck Barcelona) group. Brain. 2021 May 7;144(4):1118-1126. doi: 10.1093/brain/awab005.
Interrater sleep stage scoring reliability between manual scoring from two European sleep centers and automatic scoring performed by the artificial intelligence-based Stanford-STAGES algorithm.
Cesari M, Stefani A, Penzel T, Ibrahim A, Hackner H, Heidbreder A, Szentkirályi A, Stubbe B, Völzke H, Berger K, Högl B. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Jun 1;17(6):1237-1247. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9174.
Revisiting brain iron deficiency in restless legs syndrome using magnetic resonance imaging.
Beliveau V, Stefani A, Birkl C, Kremser C, Gizewski ER, Högl B, Scherfler C. Neuroimage Clin. 2022;34:103024. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103024. Epub 2022 Apr 26.
Research Group Stroke
Hospitalization rates, stroke unit care, and recurrence rates in Austria’s stroke cohort Epidemiologic analysis of 102,107 patients in a nation-wide acute stroke cohort between 2015 and 2019.
Heidinger M, Boehme C, Knoflach M, Lang W, Kiechl S, Willeit P, Kleyhons R, Tuerk S. Eur Stroke J.: 2022 Dec;7(4):467-475. doi: 10.1177/23969873221108846. Epub 2022 Jul 2.
Association of desphospho-uncarboxylated matrix gla protein with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: Results from the prospective Bruneck Study.
Willeit K, Santer P, Tschiderer L, Pechlaner R, Vermeer C, Willeit J, Kiechl S; ATHEROSCLEROSIS: 2022 Jul;353:20-27. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2022.06.1017.
Head/neck pain characteristics after spontaneous cervical artery dissection in the acute phase and on a long-run.
Mayer-Suess L, Frank F, Töll T, Boehme C, Gizewski ER, Ratzinger G, Broessner G, Kiechl S, Knoflach M; Cephalalgia: 2022 Aug;42(9):872-878. doi: 10.1177/03331024221079298.
Association of adolescent lipoprotein subclass profile with carotid intima-media thickness and comparison to adults: Prospective population-based cohort studies.
Pechlaner R, Friedrich N, Staudt A, Gande N, Bernar B, Stock K, Kiechl SJ, Hochmayr C, Griesmacher A, Petersmann A, Budde K, Stuppner H, Sturm S, Dörr M, Schminke U, Cannet C, Fang F, Schäfer H, Spraul M, Geiger R, Mayr M, Nauck M, Kiechl S, Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U, Knoflach M; Early Vascular Ageing (EVA) Study Group;Atherosclerosis: 2022 Jan;341:34-42. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2021.12.007.
Predictors of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Progression in Adolescents-The EVA-Tyrol Study.
Kiechl SJ, Staudt A, Stock K, Gande N, Bernar B, Hochmayr C, Winder B, Geiger R, Griesmacher A, Anliker M, Kiechl S, Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U, Knoflach M, Pechlaner R; Early Vascular Ageing (EVA) Study Group;J Am Heart Assoc.. 2021 Sep 21;10(18):e020233. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020233.
Research Group Translational Neurodegeneration Research
A Mouse Model of Multiple System Atrophy: Bench to Bedside.
Stefanova N. NEUROTHERAPEUTICS. 2022 Aug 22. doi: 10.1007/s13311-022-01287-8. PMID: 35995919.
Microglia in Parkinson’s Disease.
Stefanova N. J PARKINSONS DIS. 2022;12(s1):S105-S112. doi: 10.3233/JPD-223237. PMID: 35754289; PMCID: PMC9535597.
Host oligodendrogliopathy and α-synuclein strains dictate disease severity in multiple system atrophy.
Torre-Muruzabal T, Van der Perren A, Coens A, Gelders G, Janer AB, Camacho-Garcia S, Klingstedt T, Nilsson P, Stefanova N, Melki R, Baekelandt V, Peelaerts W. BRAIN. 2023 Jan 5;146(1):237-251. doi:10.1093/brain/awac061. PMID: 35170728.
ATH434 Reduces α-Synuclein-Related Neurodegeneration in a Murine Model of Multiple System Atrophy.
Heras-Garvin A, Refolo V, Schmidt C, Malfertheiner K, Wenning GK, Bradbury M, Stamler D, Stefanova N. MOV DISORD. 2021 Nov;36(11):2605-2614. doi: 10.1002/mds.28714. PMID: 34236731.
Shared Genetics of Multiple System Atrophy and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Shadrin AA, Mucha S, Ellinghaus D, Makarious MB, Blauwendraat C, Sreelatha AAK, Heras-Garvin A, Ding J, Hammer M, Foubert-Samier A, Meissner WG, Rascol O, Pavy-Le Traon A, Frei O, O’Connell KS, Bahrami S, Schreiber S, Lieb W, Müller-Nurasyid M, Schminke U, Homuth G, Schmidt CO, Nöthen MM, Hoffmann P, Gieger C, Wenning G; European Multiple System Atrophy Study Group; Gibbs JR, Franke A, Hardy J, Stefanova N, Gasser T, Singleton A, Houlden H, Scholz SW, Andreassen OA, Sharma M. MOV DISORD. 2021 Feb;36(2):449-459. doi: 10.1002/mds.28338. PMID: 33107653; PMCID: PMC8985479.
Selection of Funding
Division of Neurobiology, Research Group Autonomic Unit and Research Group Translational Neurodegeneration Research
- MJFF, Nadia Stefanova: Dapansutrile, selective oral NLRP3 inhibitor, to mitigate the disease progression of PD: building more pre-clinical evidence towards a clinical trial, 311,750 $.
- MUI PhD Research Training Group, Nadia Stefanova: Translational Research in NeuroDegeneration (TReND), 1,196,670 €.
- MSA Coalition Seed Grant, Nadia Stefanova: Catalytically active gold nanocrystals for the treatment of MSA, 50,000 $.
- TWF, Antonio Heras-Garvin: Transcriptomic profiling of MSA-like disease progression: a potential strategy to identify novel therapeutic targets, 39,000 €.
- MUI-START, Antonio Heras-Garvin: Iron dyshomeostasis in MSA, 40,000 €.
- FWF international project I 4795, Gregor Wenning: Mobility in atypical parkinsonism: randomized trial of physiotherapy, 392,249 €.
- FWF Forschungsgruppe 2700: Alessandra Fanciulli (PI), Florian Krismer (Co-Pi), Gregor K. Wenning, Klaus Seppi: Medical Decision Making in Multiple System Atrophy, 1,499,221 €.
- New York University, Grossmann School of Medicine / Biogen MA Inc, Krismer Florian, Wenning Gregor: An Observational Longitudinal Oligo-Center Study to Define Clinical, Biofluid, Imaging and Digital Outcome Measures in Multiple System Atrophy–TRACK-MSA, 225,000 $.
- MSA coalition, Alessandra Fanciulli, Gregor Wenning: Abdominal binders for orthostatic hypotension in MSA: a RCT, 50,000 $.
- MSA coalition, Alessandra Fanciulli: Pain in Multiple System Atrophy, 105,000 $.
- Johannes und Hertha Tuba Forschungsförderung, Alessandra Fanciulli: Abdominal binders to treat orthostatic hypotension in Parkinsonian syndromes”, 100,000 €.
- National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH/NINDS): Florian Krismer: Clinical Trial Readiness for Multiple System Atrophy, 578,224 $.
- MUI START Unraveling the pathogenic role of iron dyshomeostasis in multiple system atrophy Antonio Heras-Garvin, 40,000 €.
Research Group Movement Disorders
- EU Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI2-RIA, project 853981-2, Klaus Seppi: IDEA-FAST, 353,125 €.
- FWF KLIF, Beatrice Heim: α-synuclein seeding activity in the olfactory mucosa following. COVID-19 – a pilot study, 104,811 €.
- FWF KLIF, Beatrice Heim: Olfactory training in COVID-19 associated loss of smell, 84.693 €.
- Michael J. Fox Foundation Grant ID 1731, Klaus Seppi: MULTIMODAL MRI as a surrogate marker for prodromal PD, 406,888 $.
- MJFF-022057, Werner Poewe, Klaus Seppi: HEBA > 900,000 $.
Research Group Stroke
- FFG Comet K Centre VASCage (P 868624), Stefan Kiechl: Research Centre on Vascular Ageing and Stroke, 17 Mio €.
- FFG Comet K Centre VASCage 2 FP, Stefan Kiechl: Research Centre on Vascular Ageing and Stroke, 18,4 Mio €.
- Tiroler Wissenschaftfonds, Lukas Mayer-Süss: sleeP fragmenatIon aNd vasCular Health Study (PINCH-Study), 34,571 €.
- PPIE Exploration Call 2022, Lukas Mayer-Süss: Patient perspective on young stroke, 23,782 €.
Research Group Experimental Neurology and Research Group Multiple Sclerosis and Neuro-immunology
- FWF P 32699, Markus Reindl: Epitope specificity of MOG antibodies, 350,448 €.
- Euregio Science Fund Project IPN170, Markus Reindl: The Molecular Biology of Neurocovid, 123,438 €.
- MUI Funding for PhD Research Training Groups, Markus Reindl: CONNECT (CrOsstalk in iNfection and cancer in disEase-on-ChipsysTems), 235,334 €.
- Tiroler Wissenschaftfonds, Klaus Berek: Neurologische Risikoabschätzung von Höhenexposition mittels Neurofilament, 19,367 €.
- Investigator Initiated Study, Harald Hegen: A Prospective Multicenter Study to Evaluate and Validate Kappa Free Light Chains for Diagnosis and Prediction of Disease Activity in People with Multiple Sclerosis (BRAMS), 239,000 €.
Research Group Neurocritical Care and Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System
- FWF KLIF, Raimund Helbok, Verena Rass, Ronny Beer: Long-term neurological outcome after SARS-CoV-2 infection, 315,340 €.
Research Group Neuropsychology
- Euregio Science Fund, Laura Zamarian: Neurocognition of arithmetic (re-)learning, 245,280 €.
TGF\148-2020, Atbin Djamshidian: Interdisziplinäre Ambulanz für Gedächtnisstörungen, 28,573 €.
Center for Rare Movement Disorders
- FWF / e-RARE Nicofa, Sylvia Boesch: Efficiacy and Safety of nicotinamide in patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia I3352-B28, 137,713 €.
- EJP RD, Sylvia Boesch: Patient-reported, health economic and psychosocial outcomes in Friedreich Ataxia – The Profa study, 15,000 €.
- Friedreich-Ataxia research Alliance (FARA) Grant, Elisabetta Indelicato: Hepcidin-Ferroportin axis in Friedreich´s ataxia, 109,853 $.
- MUI Start, Elisabetta Indelicato: CACNA1A screening in neurodevelopmental disorders: paving the way for precision medicine, 40,000 €.
- CACNA1A Foundation, Elisabetta Indelicato, Sylvia Boesch: Structured assessment of clinician- and patient-reported outcomes in CACNA1A: a step forward to trial readiness; 500,000 $
Research Group Neurooncology
- MUI start, Martha Nowosielski: Radiomic profiling of brain metastases, 21,470 €.
Research Group Computational Neuroscience
- Tiroler Wissenschaftfonds, Vincent Beliveau: Establishing a fast iron-sensitive MRI sequence and automated segmentation of the substantia nigra to improve the diagnostic accuracy of Parkinson’s disease, 24,161 €.
Research group Headache
- MR-Spectroscopy Study, Gregor Brössner: Investigating neurochemical changes in brain metabolism in migraineurs before and after CGRP-Antibody treatment. Scientific Grant TEVA 300,000 €.
Research Group Neuromuscular Disorders
- Schweizerische Herzstiftung, Julia Wanschitz: Reliability of cardiac troponins for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in the presence of skeletal muscle disease, 20,000 € per year.
- Pfizer, Löscher Wolfgang: Neurological manifestations in wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis, 80,682 €.
Research Group Sleep Medicine
- FWF international project I 4891, Birgit Högl: Nocturnal periodic breathing at altitude: the consequences, total budget of the project 408,000 €, of which 161,826 €.
- FWF international project I 5894/ ERA PerMed project ERAPERMED2021-093, Birgit Högl (coordinator) and Matteo Cesari (co-coordinator): Behaviours in REM sleep: personalised Automatic 3D Video Analysis as novel tool to detect alpha-synucleinopathies (BRAVA). Total budget of the project: 1,155.160 € (of which 297,980 € for MUI).
- German RLS foundation (Restless Legs Vereinigung e.V.) , Birgit Högl: ID RLS study, grants for KKS fees, MRI, and mitochondrial respiration labs: 70,000 €.
- MUI start program MUI-2021-1, Matteo Cesari: (project number 2021-001-006), Identification of sleep electrophysiological biomarkers of prodromal alpha-synucleinopathies with artificial intelligence, 39,900 €.
- Tiroler Wissenschaftfonds: Ambra Stefani: NOSE: understanding Neurodegeneration through Olfactory System Evaluation, 35,361, €.
- Johannes und Hertha Tuba Forschungsförderung, Ambra Stefani: Sleep as long term predictor of neurodegeneration, 100.000 €.
Research Group Computational Neuroscience
Prof. David Devos Department of Medical Pharmacology University of Lille, France
Research Group Autonomic Unit
Prof. Roland Thijs, Department of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden & Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede, the Netherlands / Prof. Mario Habek, Department of Neurology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine & University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia / Prof. Anne Pavy-LeTraon, Department of Neurology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France / Prof. Walter Struhal, Department of Neurology, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences & University Hospital Tulln, Tulln, Austria / Prof. Jalesh N. Panicker, Department of Uro-Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology & UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London, UK / Prof. Cristian Falup-Pecurariu, Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania / Prof. Horacio Kaufmann, Department of Neurology, Dysautonomia Center, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA / Prof. K Ray Chaudhuri, Parkinson Foundation International Center of Excellence & Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College Hospital London, London, UK / Prof. Anette Schrag, Department of Clinical & Movement Neurosciences, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK / Prof. Tanya Gurevich, Movement Disorders Unit, Neurological Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center & Sagol School of Neuroscience and Department of Neurology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel / DDr. Iva Stankovic, Clinic of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
Research Group Neuromuscular Disorders
Christian Mueller, MD, Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel (CRIB), University Hospital Basel)
Research Group Neuro-oncology
Raymond Y. Huang, MD, PhD, Division Chief, Neuroradiology, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, USA, for the RANO (Response Assessment in Neurooncology) Research Group) radiomics.
Univ.-Prof.in Ghazaleh Tabatabei, Head of Neurology, University Tübingen, Germany for the DivINe Group.
Adelheid Woehrer, MD PhD, Resident in Neuropathology, Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna for the ABTR Research Group (Austrian Brain Tumor Registry).
Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Univ. Matthias Preusser, Head of “klinische Abteilung für Onkologie” at Medical University Campus Vienna, Vienna, Austria, senior lead of the ATTRACT trial (an austrian multidisciplinary study investigating personalised targeted glioblastoma therapies by ex vivo drug screening: Advanced brain Tumor TheRApy Clinical Trial (ATTRACT).
Assoc. Prof.in Priv. Doz.in Dr. med. Univ. Anna Sophie Berghoff, Head of “Internistische Neuroonkologie”, Medical University Campus Vienna.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Hainfellner, Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry (Obersteiner Institute), Department of Neurology, Medical University Campus Vienna as Head of the SANO (Society of Austrian Neurooncology) Research Group.
Research Group Translational Neurodegeneration Research
Prof. Veerle Baekelandt, Department of Neurosciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium / Distinguished Professor Charles Dinarello, University of Colorado Denver – Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, CO, USA / Prof. Vik Khurana, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Research Group Stroke
Manuel Mayr, King’s British Heart Foundation Centre, King’s College London, London, UK / Qingbo Xu, Department of Cardiology, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China / Sotirios Tsimikas, Department of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. (Research Group Stroke). Patrik Michel, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Research Group Movement Disorders
Andrew Lees, University College London, Reta Lila Weston Institute, London, UK / Walter Maetzler, UKSH Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland /Avner Thaler and Nir Giladi, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel / David Vaillancourt, Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA / Horacio Kaufmann und Un Kang, Department of Neurology, Dysautonomia Center New York University School of Medicine New York New York USA / Wolfgang Singer, Department of Neurology, Mayo Rochester, Minnesota, USA / Björn Eskofier und Heiko Gaßner, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen, Deutschland / Jochen Klucken, University of Luxembourg, Department of Digital Medicine, Luxembourg / Aldo Quattrone, Neuroscience Research Center, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy / Ganluigi Zanusso, Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences University of Verona, Verona, Italy / Eduardo Tolosa Neurology Service, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERNED, Barcelona, Spain / Michael Zech, Institute of Neurogenomics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany
Research Group Neuropsychology
Prof. Manuela Piazza, CIMeC Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Italy / Prof. Demis Basso, Faculty of Education, University of Bolzano, Italy / Prof. Patrick Lemaire, Aix Marseille Universitè, France / Prof. Daniel Baumgarten & Dr. Johannes Vorwerk, Institute for Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, UMIT, Austria / FH-Prof. Yeongmi Kim, Department of Mechatronics & Smart Technologies, Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
Research Group Sleep Medicine
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Mignot, Stanford Sleep Medicine Center, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Videnovic, Division of Sleep Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, Prof. Dr. Alex Iranzo, Sleep Disorders Center, Neurology Service, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERNED, Barcelona, Spain, Prof. Dr. Federica Provini (University of Bologna, Italy), Prof. Dr. Claudia Trenkwalder (Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik, Kassel, Germany), Prof. Dr. Isabelle Arnulf (University of Paris Sorbonne, France) and Prof. Dr. Alex Iranzo (IDIBAPS Barcelona, Spain) in the context of the BRAVA EU PerMed project